Saturday, February 19, 2011

CEP socks, I love you :)

So today was my long run day! But it wasn't very long :( I was much too sore to run 10k like I planned to, but much too not sore to not run... so I settled at 4 miles! I ran it fast, good splits, but it hurt. so. bad. It was SO HOT out, and this is just a taste of the summer! Plus my calves and ankles were bothering me a lot more than usual...

But guess what! Because of my awesome CEP recovery socks......

I'm not even sore. At all! My legs feel great! I was honestly a little skeptical before I got them... but like I've said before.... they work amazingly well! :D I was even jumping on the trampoline after I ran ;)

Well I'll probably just stay chill and rest tomorrow from training... but it looks like another pretty good week weather wise, which = lotsa good training!

I have a couple more additions to this years races! :D I'll work on getting them posted soon!

Thank you so much for reading! :) I'll be back!


  1. Looks like something I could've used during soccer season :)

  2. Probably so! they are the best thing ever :)
