Monday, March 7, 2011

Notice a bit more color?

I might have decided to change things up a wee bit ;) (I still can't promise this is here to stay!) But I think the tie dye looks pretty cool! I do love the simple and sophisticated white though... Just thought I'd give something else a try... What do you think?? Like the colorfulness!?

Training wise last wasn't a great week :( I was in Jackson 3 different days, and things just piled up! I did do a hard 5k though! Ran it like the boogie man was chasing me! It wasn't a PR, but nearly :) The last thing I did was just a personal 4 mile bike TT (time trial). Good speed on that one too! :D

This week I'm going to reallllly pick the training up... I probably won't get much in next week being spring break. But it looks like that will work out pretty well! There's a possibility I'll be doing a duathlon March 19, so next can be my taper week! ;) Although it's a very short race (2 mile run/10 mile bike/2 mile run).

To get back on track I'll do a few two-a-days this week! Starting with swimming and running today! Annnd my run was AWESOME! I did 10 x 30 second accels! Ran in my Vibrams and I felt great the whole time... no problems! And I actually covered 2.5 miles with it, so I'm very pleased with how it went!

As for the swim, it was awesome too! 100 meter warm up, then 4- 1/4 mile accels. I swam strong and pretty fast... I did get a foot cramp and my side cramped up for a few seconds but that was it! So it was a good start of the week with training!

Thanks for reading! Don't drown. Don't crash. Don't walk.


  1. I love the new look!! It is soo cute!

  2. Thank you!! I like it too... may change it again though! haha ;)
