Friday, December 31, 2010

In a heartbeat...beat...beat

And so begins a new era of triathlon training:

I got a Garmin HR monitor/GPS for Christmas!! :D    This thing is amazing. I feel like I'm somehow cheating when I use it... it gives me SO much information. Pace, the time left in a workout at your current pace, distance left in a workout, heart rate, directions for the route you're on, and sooo much more. It's really quite wonderful, and motivating!

Another new, amazing, wonderful toy I got is these:

CEP compression socks

They have like changed my life! Or... my calves life... But I LOVE them! They work so great and I highly recommend them.

The best part is, I still got a TON of more triathlon stuff for Christmas! Probably too much to blog about ;) New gear is so exciting!

Thanks for stopping by :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Have a merry little Christmas! enjoy your toys :)

Now I'm going to get back to playing with all my new pretty tri gear :D

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The lineup

As 2011 is like... a week away, and because I am me, I'm going ahead and working on creating a (potential) race lineup for next season. Nothing is 100% official yet, but gotta start planning sometime ;)

So here are my thoughts:

  • RebelMan - March 27, Oxford, MS
  • MS Grand Prix - April 8-10(?), Brookhaven, MS
  • Soak up the Sun - May 21, Madison, MS
  • Heatwave - June 4, Ridgeland, MS     OR
  • Grandman - June 4, Fairhope, AL
  • Old Point Tidewater - June 11, Hampton, VA
  • Race of Grace - June 25, Philadelpia, MS
  • Chattanooga Waterfront - July 10, Chattanooga, TN
  • Heart O Dixie - July 23, Philadelphia, MS
  • Rivercities - July 31, Shreveport, LA
  • Clear Lake Triathlon - August 27, Clear Lake, TX
  • Tri4Life - September 10, Brandon, MS
  • Mighty Magnolia - October 8, Hattiesburg, MS

Obviously I won't do all of these... this is kind of a pick-and-choose list. As it gets closer to time I'll be able to make some final decisions. I also may create another page with the lineup on it to keep track easier. We'll see!

Have a great Christmas eve eve! :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Previously on...

Welcome to my refurbished blog! Refurbished? Huh? Yes, you read that correctly. Previously I've had a training/racing blog in which I logged pretty much all of my miles, splits, injurys, recoveries... everything. But I realized, if all of that stuff is made public... I'm doomed. Everyone will know exactly what to expect from me in races! So I decided it might be fun to restart and make a brand new triathlon blog that is people friendly.

My main goal with this is well... for me. Selfish I know. But having the ability to easily go back and see how far I've come and where I am in any given time period is really helpful. So I'll probably post mainly about races, maybe some training facts, or whatever other triathlon related stuff is on my mind ;) Or you know... just life... which is training.

Much more soon to come, thanks for reading!